reflections on a year of blogging

Well, well, well, I've gone and done it--one blog post a week for an entire year. Here is what I've learned from this little experiment of mine:
Weekly deadlines come around quickly.
Writing gets easier the more I do it.
Certain titles sell better than others (fight or flight = did quite well, the science of mindful gratitude = not so much), which just goes to show you that people still want their blogs to be sexy.
I can stick with something that's difficult, but only when I've made a grand proclamation in front of every single person I know.
Writing a blog is a tad indulgent, I dare say. This year I have given myself the gift of time (with myself), where no thought is too small to explore. I wonder if one of the reasons I enjoy blogging so much is that it's a one-way conversation. Musings by Sarah, deep, and not so deep thoughts by me. Do I enjoy blogging because it's all about me? Maybe. What of it? But the statistics do not indicate that everyone agrees.
In analyzing my readership, I can tell you that I've had 7,977 post views, with the highest read post being the story of us, which was written with the help of Greg. Which makes me think that people are longing for someone else's voice, though I'm not entirely ready to assume that it wasn't a fluke.
So what's next? (See, you always ask the best questions!) I don't quite know. I know that I want to keep writing, and I haven't exhausted my topics quite yet. (Examples of topics you have to look forward to include: always a bridesmaid, always a bridesmaid; animal husbandry; and hair) but the frequency will diminish. I think I either want to write a book with (ratings hoard) Greg, or else a movie, but have yet to get a really good idea, so I'll either wait until one hits me...or I'll just write a really bad movie. Only time will tell, though I have no doubt I'll continue to keep you posted, like it or not.
And now, I'd like to thank you for reading. Whether you've been an occasional guest or a frequent visitor, I've appreciated your encouragement this past year! I feel as though I owe you something, but alas, as this is not a paying gig, all I have to offer is my eternal gratitude. That, and one more deep thought for 2017: What if we're miniature people in a miniature world? (Greg says that's not deep enough.) Ok, if you could only be rich in one way, would you choose to be rich financially, in a life's work that you love, or in fulfilling relationships?
May your 2018 be filled with great joy, lofty goals, and many deep thoughts!