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star sightings

The thing I miss most about living in California is the perpetual possibility of a star sighting. Not actual stars, mind you, as the light and air pollution was always far too great in LA to really see stellar bodies (unless you go to the I right?). Oh, and I miss the palm trees. And the weather. And the's been a long month here in Holland, Michigan. Anyhow, I've always had a fascination with the famous. Even though, if you think about it, they're just regular people who a lot more people know, and who have a particular talent and/or good looks. Or as David McFadzean–creator of Rosanne and Home Improvement–once told me at a Christmas party he hosted at his house, that I was invited to, "They all put their pants on one leg at a time." One other thing that famous people share is persistence. In "The Industry" they say that an overnight success is someone who breaks in after 10 years of working at it. Dogs, and I'm about to give up after one month of blogging.

Anywho, while this may be interesting to no one but me, let's talk about my brushes with fame. I'll go in chronological order.

Back in college, I was working at a car dealership in the summers, and the owner hosted a Pro-Am golf tournament every year. I answered the RSVP calls from Jack Nicklaus, and Chi-Chi Rodriguez. This might only impress my dad.

Later after college, I worked with the Grand Rapids Griffins, and we hosted a special Red Wings scramble one night. I gave a press pass to Gordie Howe (as opposed to Gordie Howell--which is how I wrote his name on his press pass...he might have had a good laugh at that one), and I showed Scottie Bowman (not to be confused with Scottie Pippen, which I did for months in my re-telling of this story) where the bathroom was. Big stuff...except if you don't like sports, like me, then not so much.

In California, I nannied for a Paramount producer who had regular meetings with stars including Kate Hudson and Nicole Kidman. I was never invited to these meetings, but I did take her son Jackson to a birthday party where Terry Hatcher happened to be (tiny, tiny lady!) and saw Melina Kankaredes (of the tv show Providence) every day at pre-school drop off.

Later Greg and I attended a gala for my hospital job, where Debbie Gibson was the entertainment. We found her backstage afterwards, where I inadvertently insulted her boyfriend (which made Debbie/Debs laugh). I think we could be good friends, as evidenced in this picture.

Another time a couple friends and I went to another

fundraiser where we heard Patricia Heaton speak about motherhood & Hollywood, and her book of the same title--highly recommend it! Patty is a gas. (I'm also pictured here with Doris Roberts.)

Tori Spelling, and some soap stars went to our church (in Bel Air), Lydia Cornell (from Too Close for Comfort) was in our premarital class, and I know for a fact we drove past Tom Hanks outside the Walt Disney Studios, though I have no way to prove that to you, or to Greg. But he did see Kevin Spacey as we drove past him in Beverly Hills. (Or maybe as he drove past us in his BMW.)

Greg's brother Kurt worked for Carsey Werner and That 70's Show for several years, so for a time we frequented the CBS lot, where we saw several tapings of shows (That 70's Show of course, and a couple pilot shows, starring people including Tim Allen and Patrick Warburton, who plays Puddy in Seinfeld). Once Greg and Kurt worked out next to Bernie Mac at the CBS fitness center...but Greg says I can't hitch my cart to his horse, as he's met a lot more famous people than I have, and that I didn't actually see Tom Hanks on Buena Vista Street. I guess it's up to you who you choose to believe.

Greg and I did food service for a pilot that Kurt made, which starred Debra Jo Rupp, Tony Hale, Tim Bagley, and pre-Academy Award winner Octavia Spencer. And...No, I'm out. In this game you can't count people you saw in concert (because that's cheating) so I guess that's it.

On New Year's Eve a question we were all answering was, "If you could eat dinner with one person alive or previously alive, who would it be?" (And you can't pick people from the Bible, because I love to make up rules.) I've been giving this a lot of thought, and I would be very torn. I think I've narrowed it down to the just departed, ever delightful Mary Tyler Moore, my beloved Beth Moore, and my Aunt Patricia--my mom's sister who died before I was born--who has always been a star in my mind and imagination, and whose name I carry. You know what? NEW RULE: We can now choose three people, to make it an even four-some. Done. Who would you pick?


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