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Creating a blog is like having a baby, only without the drugs. I fall limp in my chair, throw my head back and wail, "Greeeeg." He yells from the other room, "Do you need my help?" I know I have to do this on my own, but this time he doesn't try to massage my shoulders. (That didn't go over well with the contractions.) I just can't figure out where the freaking preview button is, or where the page I'd spent an hour on went.

Seems like everyone has a blog--today alone over four million blogs were written. Is there really that much to say? Probably not. I don’t like bandwagons--I have never taken a picture of my food, I don't wear skinny jeans, and have never been on Pinterest on purpose. Plus, I have recently come to learn that there is no easy money in blogging. So why blog? I think because my latest Christmas letter when printed out was six pages long. Single spaced. Turns out I have a lot to say, and would love to try to stick to something for a year. (I can be successful with 3 months, but never past that.) Thus, this little social experiment of mine writing one post a week. And if things get too hairy in April, I’ll start breaking up that Christmas letter and posting it in parts.

This I can promise you: This is not a blog that is meant to make you feel incompetent or bad about yourself, just reflect on some things and hopefully laugh a little along the way. I mean, I'm not going to lie to you and say I'm not highly organized, because I am, (what, this isn't a job interview?) but I also live with kids, one in particular who can turn this--

--into this--

--in three hot seconds. (And, yes, she did move her bed into her closet over Christmas break.) That being said, my Baby Daddy (Greg) looks like a Meijer model, so if this makes you feel dissatisfied in any way with your current situation, there’s not much I can do about that.

Finally, I do know how bad I look in this cover picture. It's called "irony," and it’s lost on my children. Kate (age 11) said, "Mom, people will be like, 'Oh, how delightful, Sarah wrote a blo--AHHH!' when they see your picture!" I think I like it for the same reason I have this poster of Jim Belushi on our study wall.

It's the ambivalence in looking so confused and wearing a college shirt. Is he he not? We have no idea. Do I or do I not have it all figured out at forty? With that hair? No way. And that's why the picture. Well, that, and it's the best picture I could find of myself from the past ten years. I thought about using this one where my hair is actually combed--

--but it was taken at my ten year college reunion nine years ago. Wait, so I’ve been out of college for nineteen years?! I can hardly breathe when I type that, but that's an entry for a different time.

So…What's say we smack this baby on the butt and call it a day? Only 51 more to go!? Piece of cake.


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